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Upcoming SPD Virtual Women's Personal Safety Class

date posted: 08 Jun 2021

Date: Monday June 14th 2021

Time: 3pm

Link to Register: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search/detail/36020?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true

About the Class:

Learn proactive tips and step you can take to enhance your personal safety taught by female Seattle police officers and female employees.


Letter to Washington State Ferries

date posted: 24 May 2021

The FCA has sent a letter to Washington State Ferries regarding concerns about the Terminal Replacement Project. The letter outlines our stance on the project and expresses our support for the project, while maintaining our commitment to the neighborhood.


Annual Meeting Posted

date posted: 15 Apr 2021

The Annual Membership Meeting of the FCA took place on Tuesday evening via Zoom. If you would like to see what happened, please head over to the Annual Meeting Video.

2021 Eggs-stravaganza!

date posted: 27 Mar 2021
Easter Eggs
You too could find some of these cute eggs.

Fauntleroy Community Association’s (FCA) 1st Annual Egg-hunt will begin March 27th.  Come one, come all… a hunting we will go. FCA has hidden hundreds of colorful eggs (filled with surprises) and painted wooden eggs around the Fauntleroy business triangle and the Fauntleroy community  If you or your children are one of the lucky ones to find an egg, please take a photo and post to the Fauntleroy Community Association Facebook page or Twitter and tag it   #FCAEggHunt

Cheers to a hoppin’ good time.

Virtual Spring Break Seattle Police Youth Camp

date posted: 17 Mar 2021

Let’s get to know our local Seattle police officers! Each day will highlight a different specialty unit as campers participate in community-building activities. Small camp sizes let kids ask questions and see what happens in a day in the life of police officers from patrolmen to Mounted units (on horseback).

Dates: April 12th - April 16th 2021

Times: 9am- 11am each day

Ages: 8-12 years old

To register: Please visit https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search/detail/36062?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true

*Please note: you may need to create an account to register.

For more details and questions, please contact Matthew.Roberson@seattle.gov


© 2024 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net