Fauntleroy Community Association’s (FCA) 1st Annual Egg-hunt will begin March 27th. Come one, come all… a hunting we will go. FCA has hidden hundreds of colorful eggs (filled with surprises) and painted wooden eggs around the Fauntleroy business triangle and the Fauntleroy community If you or your children are one of the lucky ones to find an egg, please take a photo and post to the Fauntleroy Community Association Facebook page or Twitter and tag it #FCAEggHunt
Cheers to a hoppin’ good time.
Let’s get to know our local Seattle police officers! Each day will highlight a different specialty unit as campers participate in community-building activities. Small camp sizes let kids ask questions and see what happens in a day in the life of police officers from patrolmen to Mounted units (on horseback).
Dates: April 12th - April 16th 2021
Times: 9am- 11am each day
Ages: 8-12 years old
To register: Please visit https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search/detail/36062?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
*Please note: you may need to create an account to register.
For more details and questions, please contact Matthew.Roberson@seattle.gov
Register to Attend The Fauntleroy Community Association will hold its Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday April 13th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Due to continued restrictions around COVID-19 the FCA will hold this meeting virtually using Zoom.
The Annual Meeting is an important opportunity for the FCA membership to hear how the FCA has represented them throughout the previous calendar year, and to cast a ballot for your appointed board members. The agenda for the meeting included a review of the accomplishments of 2020 and a vote for Board members. The ballot for Board members is:
Typically we hold this meeting in conjunction with our Food Fest, a time to come out of our homes, meet up with friends and neighbors, share some delicious food provided by local establishments and business parthers. This year however, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus), we elected not to hold the meeting in person in order to ensure the safety of our community.
Our monthly business meetings are typically conducted at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse on the second Tuesday of every month (with the exception of August and December) at 7:00 in the evening. Meetings are open to the public.
From Hadley Rodero, Strategic Communications Manager at WSDOT
Read More...Hello Fauntleroy, Vashon and Southworth community members:
At the end of 2020, Washington State Ferries began discussions with stakeholders about how best to engage communities in the Fauntleroy ferry terminal replacement project given current realities. Now we have turned the corner into 2021, we are excited to announce upcoming virtual community meetings. We hope you can participate to learn more about why the current terminal needs to be replaced, how project plans will be developed, and how the community can be involved over a multi-year planning process.Virtual Meeting Details
Wednesday, Mar. 17
- Meeting starts at 11 a.m.
- Register here (required in advance): http://bit.ly/2021FauntleroyTerminalMeeting1
Thursday, Mar. 18
- Meeting starts at 6 p.m.
- Register here (required in advance): http://bit.ly/2021FauntleroyTerminalMeeting2
The results of our Fauntleroy Community Survey have been tabulated and posted. We are currently using the results to guide our discussions for the future of Fauntleroy.