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Letter to City Council Regarding "Defunding Police"

date posted: 31 Jul 2020

Dear Councilmembers Herbold, Mosqueda, Sawant, Pedersen, Morales, Lewis, Strauss, Juarez and Gonzalez,

The Fauntleroy Community Association (FCA) is located in West Seattle and represents a catchment area of 3,000 residences with over 300 active members.  The FCA Board recently met to discuss the proposed 50% reduction in funding of the Seattle Police Department.  The Board has come to the following conclusions.


West Seattle Bridge: Community Surveys

date posted: 13 Jul 2020

There are two surveys taking place right now, each is open until July 31st. It is important that the city hear your voice. Tell them what you need.

Reconnect West Seattle Survey:

This survey is for everyone who lives or works in West Seattle. The survey is the community’s chance to let SDOT and our partners know what you need to move on and off the West Seattle peninsula at similar rates to before the High-Rise Bridge closure, but with a significant reduction in travel lanes.

Survey Links Here

Neighborhood Prioritications Process Ballots: for Southwest Seattle, Georgetown, SODO and South Park.

The ballots include lists of potential projects that were generated from ideas we have received from community, along with some of our own ideas, and projects from existing transportation and neighborhood plans. While a much larger mix of projects remain on our radar, we recognize the need for immediate action. Therefore, the lists include projects that can be completed quickly and cost less than $100,000.

Survey Links Here

Fauntleroy Children's Center Auction - Online

date posted: 07 Jun 2020

Dear FCC Families and Friends,

I hope everyone is well! By now you should have received a link to access our now online auction catalogue – take a peek! Bidding starts June 8th and goes thru midnight on June 14th! We are very excited to see how this new auction format goes although we will miss seeing everyone in person this year. If you didn’t receive an email with link to the auction (from schoolauction.net) please let us know.

I also wanted to let you all know about a fun addition to this year’s online auction – our lovely caterer’s Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes has offered to compliment this year’s online auction with a special take-home (or delivery if in West Seattle) meal on June 12 so we can still feel like we are celebrating together from our homes. There is also a second option to get a meal on June 17th! $10 from every meal purchased on June 12th or 17th will go towards the FCC auction!

Please see the attached flier for more information on the meal options available and the link to sign-up (For the June 12th option orders need to be placed by June 10th). We don’t have the menu yet for June 17th but will forward it to you all soon.

Thank you Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes!!

Carey Nickels, Auction Chair


Response from Heather Marx

date posted: 14 May 2020

A response from Heather Marx at SDOT to the FCA’s Letter of April 22nd.


Annual Meeting posted

date posted: 13 May 2020

Last night, the FCA held our Annual Membership meeting via zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can view it here!


© 2025 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net