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Reminder: June 7th Washington State Ferries Community Meeting

date posted: 02 Jun 2023

Washington State Ferries is hosting a virtual community meeting on June 7th at 6:00 PM. Go to https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/washington-state-ferries/about-us/ community-participation to participate. Make your voice heard!

Fauntleroy Creek Culverts Replacement Project | Update on 45th Ave SW Culvert

date posted: 12 Apr 2023

This,from SPU:

Fauntleroy Creek Culverts Replacement Project | Update on 45th Ave SW Culvert

Dear Neighbors,

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) would like to provide an update regarding theactivities near the 45th Ave SW culvert on Fauntleroy Creek. You may have noticed increased activity in this area, including the development of ponded waterin the ravine upstream of the culvert. SPU is closely monitoring this culvert and is prepared to manage the water if it ponds too deep.  

Three weeks ago, when water started to pond upstream, SPU investigated anddetermined that the culvert was mostly blocked with debris. During this time, SPUhas been assessing repair options and actively monitoring and evaluating the culvert and upstream conditions. As soon as Wednesday, April 12, SPU will use a pump and bypass system to attempt to lower the water level upstream of the culvert to better assess conditions in the culvert. During this temporary work, you can expect periodic noise from the pumping equipment and slower traffic in the work area. This work would occur during daytime hours.  

SPU will continue to perform work at the culvert to eliminate the blockage and may change strategies depending on the culvert and weather conditions. SPU will continue to keep the community updated on the progress of this evaluation and condition of the culvert as the situation develops. For questions about this work, please contact Josh Meidav at josh.meidav@seattle.gov or (206) 437-7528.

For More Information:

As part of the Fauntleroy Creek Culverts Replacement Project, we previously shared that this culvert is nearing the end of its life and needs to be replaced. SPU is in the process of developing a design for this culvert (you can view early design concepts on our project website). Since Fauntleroy Creek is a salmon-bearing creek, there are requirements from State and Federal agencies that must be met and reviewed during the culvert’s design process. As a result, the design will not be completed for several years, with construction anticipated to start in summer 2026. For more information on this future work, please visit the project website.  

Stay Updated!

Do you have neighbors who might like to receive these updates? Please forward this email and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.

Spring 2023 Egg Hunt

date posted: 22 Feb 2023

Details about the Annual Egg Hunt have been annouced. They can be found here

December edition of NEIGHBORS available!

date posted: 01 Dec 2022

Read the Newsletter! The December edition of NEIGHBORS - the newsletter of the Fauntleroy Community Association is now available! Inside you will find plenty of ferry dock related information!

Fauntleroy Fall Festival on Sunday OCT. 23, 2022 from 2-5 PM

date posted: 06 Sep 2022

After a few years of Pandemic, we are pleased to welcome the Fauntleroy Fall Festival back to our neighborhood. We are excited to offer this long-standing event back to our community. While the pandemic has had some collateral damage on our historical Festival partners, we are still going to help our neighborhood kids paint pumpkins, build bird houses, and make salmon hats. This event has been a stalwart in the community for over 20 years proudly offering free attendance and a number of free activities for kids. Many of our local neighborhood eateries will be present offering delicious Fall-themed food for a fee.

For families and neighbors, please plan to attend the festival. For local organizations and businesses, please consider contributing to the festival to support our commitment to community.


© 2025 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net