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Community Input Needed for Seattle Transportation Plan

date posted: 18 Mar 2022

The FCA has been working over the past few months with Seattle DOT to address traffic and safety issues in our neighborhood. SDOT is now seeking the public’s input for their long-range plan via their online survey. If you are concerned about local transportation or issues such as the lack of sidewalks or pedestrian safe streets, we encourage you to let your voice be heard in this brief but important survey. Follow the link to provide your comments.

Seattle Transportation Plan Community Survey

Fauntleroy Children's Center Seeks Donations for 35th Annual Auction

date posted: 04 Feb 2022

The Fauntleroy Children’s Center is seeking donations for its 35th Annual Auction. The auction will be held online from March 14 - 20, 2022.

FCC serves over 120 local children ages 1 month to 13 years old, and employs 33 staff members. The 2022 fundraising goal is $55,000, which will go toward scholarships for students, professional development for staff, and updating the outdoor play structures. The Center is seeking donations of products, services or gift certificates to help us reach this goal! Please contact auction@fauntleroychildrenscenter.org or call 206-932-9590 to arrange a donation.

Thank you.

Fall Festival Needs Fresh Volunteer Energy, Ideas

date posted: 01 Nov 2021

In September 2001, the United States went through one of its most challenging times. When I woke up that morning to the news that an airplane had flown into a building in New York, I hit “Snooze.”

By the time my clock radio came on again, another plane had flown into another building. I rushed downstairs to watch on TV as one of the biggest tragedies in American history unfolded. Kids at school, our teachers, our parents - everyone knew our lives had changed.


Traffic Forum

date posted: 15 Oct 2021

The FCA held a traffic forum with members from SDOT, SPD, and Council Member Herbold’s office in response to the results of our 2020 Community Survey. Watch the video…

Traffic Meeting

date posted: 03 Oct 2021
A local Fauntleroy traffic issues meeting will be held virtually Oct 12, from 7 to 9 PM with members of SDOT, Seattle Police Department’s Southwest Precinct,  Seattle Police Traffic Department and City Council Member Lisa Herbold’s office.  This meeting stems from the most recent survey conducted by the FCA in which traffic issues such as speeding, noise, pedestrian safety and neighborhood cut-throughs were the number one concern of the Fauntleroy community.  We request that community members submit questions, concerns, recommendations and importantly issues with specific streets and cross streets where the issues exist to traffic@fauntleroy.net by the close of business October 8.  Questions will be compiled so they may be addressed by the attendees.  Registration Required.


© 2024 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net