The FCA held a traffic forum with members from SDOT, SPD, and Council Member Herbold’s office in response to the results of our 2020 Community Survey. Watch the video…
Current Information on the Fauntleroy Fall Festival can be found at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival page on Facebook
This, from the Southwest Precinct.
The Seattle Police Department is honored to partner with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to bring Drug Take Back Day to Seattle again this year!
Date: Saturday October 23rd 2021
Time: 10am- 2pm
Locations: the front parking lots of the North Precinct (10049 College Way N) and the South Precinct (3001 S Myrtle St).
social distancing recommendations will be adhered to
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That’s dangerous and often tragic. That’s why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in - safely and anonymously - a record amount of prescription drugs.
Please bring your unwanted and/or expired medications (no questions asked) to either of these locations on Saturday October 23rd!
We will also have a variety of crime prevention and informational materials available for pick-up.
If you are unable to participate on October 23rd, but would like to dispose of medications, please visit this website for drop-boxes open year-round:
As always, let us know if you have any questions. Stay safe and well.
Jennifer Danner (she/her/hers) #8048
Crime Prevention Coordinator
Southwest PrecinctSeattle Police Department 2300 SW Webster Street Seattle, WA 98106-3485 Desk: (206) 256-6820, Cell: (206) 471-2849
The FCA is planning to hold a virtual meeting on Oct 12, from 7 to 9 PM with members of SDOT, Seattle Police Department’s Southwest Precinct, Seattle Police Traffic Department and City Council Member Lisa Herbold’s office to discuss local traffic issues in Fauntleroy. This meeting stems from the most recent survey conducted by the FCA in which traffic issues such as speeding, noise, pedestrian safety and neighborhood cut-throughs were the number one concern of the Fauntleroy community. Details for login and access to the meeting will be forthcoming.