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Join the FCA! Welcome to the Fauntleroy Community Association portal to news, activities, and organizations in or affecting Fauntleroy. We hope you will enjoy learning more about Fauntleroy and our organization, and that you will get and stay involved in the life of our neighborhood.

Letter from Mike Dey

date posted: 22 Apr 2024 by: Mike Dey

Dear Neighbors,

Council member Rob Saka has scheduled a special meeting with the Fauntleroy, Admiral, and Alki Communities to discuss the upcoming rezoning and development of Fauntleroy and other parts of West Seattle/Seattle.

The meeting is scheduled for April 29 from 6 to 7:30 PM at the Admiral Congregational Church, 4320 SW Hill Street.  There will be on-site parking.  (See the email below).  Mike Hubner of the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) and project manager for the One Seattle Plan will present the overall plan.  A copy of the draft plan can be viewed by clicking on the link provided in the email below.  I encourage you to take a look at the plan to get a general sense of what will be discussed.

This meeting is critically important, as the new city planning design calls for rezoning the city to get people out of their cars and to increase available housing. The plan calls for the Fauntleroy business area, ¼ mile around 45th SW and SW Wildwood to become a Neighborhood Center  with zoning for multiplex units up to 4 floors.  Along with that change in the business area, all residential areas, especially those within a quarter mile of the rapid ride bus line, will be rezoned to allow for increased housing. This meeting will allow a focused discussion on our three West Seattle Communities and local effects of the proposed changes.

While the motives are good, the devil is, as always, in the details.  What happens to trees/ tree canopy, or backyards for kids to play in.  What happens to neighborhood parking, how high should these residential units be, should the setbacks stay the same?  There is an endless list of questions, and the ability to affect the current plans is time-limited.  The expectation is that there will be little chance to have any significant impact on the plans after May 6.

Thus, now is the time to learn about the plans, ask questions and offer your thoughts or concerns.  Please attend. Your comments and guidance will help determine what Fauntleroy looks and feels like for your children and grandchildren.

Best, Mike

Fauntleroy YMCA Community Survey

date posted: 06 Feb 2024

The attached letter recently sent from the YMCA talks about the results of last month’s community meeting, which includes the creation of this survey.

The partnership between the Y and the Fauntleroy Church has existed for over 100 years. The Y is requesting community input into the discussion about the future of the Y in the Fauntleroy community. We encourage people to read the attached letter and provide input to the Y through the survey.

Dear Fauntleroy YMCA Community,

We want to express our gratitude for your participation in the recent town hall event, where we discussed the future plans for our beloved Fauntleroy YMCA. The passion in the room was palpable — we thank you for your honesty and your vulnerability. We are committed to the Fauntleroy YMCA and look forward to working with the community to determine the best use for the space. We heard a lot of great ideas, and your thoughtful feedback is crucial as we navigate to ensure the continued success of the Fauntleroy YMCA.

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Thank you to all our Community Partners!

For information about becoming a Community Partner, e-mail FCA President Mike Dey (president@fauntleroy.net).


© 2024 Fauntleroy Community Association


Fauntleroy Community Association
PO Box 46343
Seattle WA 98146-6343
email: contact@fauntleroy.net